︎VISUAL DESIGN                   ︎EXHIBITION IDENTITY 

The visual identity for the the final output show for the MA Digital Direction at teh Royal College of Art in 2023. The theme “Digiatl Direction” was developed by the curation and words team. 

Graphics Teams: Drawings and designs by Lana Kurdi, Animation by Solenn Margottin.

Show Leads: 

Shaye Thiel , Tanvi Babbar , Madhavi Bhagwat.
Curation: Sofia Economou, Tanya Chaturvedi, Katie Weitzmann.
Text: Solenn Margottin, Gemma Lu, Shuyue Li.
Graphics: Solenn Margottin, Shiyi Chen, Lana Kurdi.
With curatorial advice from guest “gardener” Sha Li